Friday, December 12, 2014

Life Is Poetry In Motion

Some are Dancers,
Some Gymnasts,
Some Swimmers,
or Divers.
I am a Runner.

When trained and fit
the performance, the art
is almost effortless,
a thing of beauty.
An expression of
boundless joy of life
that can't be denied!

Some of the most memorable
and beautiful runs;
were in the pouring rain,
at dawn, or dusk.
In the woods alone
on untrod snow,
or circling a meadow
where grazing deer
lift their heads in wonder
to see me glide past.

While my legs, my age
no longer allow me to create
my art, my poetry;
I see art, I see poetry
all around me in nature,
in how people express themselves;
live their lives -

Whatever your joy;
Find your joy.
Live your joy, express your joy.
Life is joy, life is art, life is poetry.
Life is Poetry in Motion!