Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Due To Conditions Beyond My Control

    PTSD- As part of my Therapist's efforts to help me deal with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, she has recommended that I cut back, or eliminate entirely following the News on TV or Online and to reduce Facebook time. Such involvement acts as a trigger to me. I have reluctantly agreed.
    I grew up watching and involved in current events. Right out of High School, I was in the streets protesting the Vietnam War. I refused to be Drafted. Up to today there is still so much that calls for action, activism, involvement, at least comment & Share online. LGBT Rights, especially Transgender Rights; our efforts and setbacks - the Horrible attacks on our Community! The fact that no Activist, or Social Justice Organization has offered me a chance to get involved; or make a difference, has left me with little option but watching from the sidelines, or online and everyday being Horrified by the attacks and inhumanity in the world - all I can do is comment and Share my Outrage online.
    The resulting anxiety and panic leads to physical symptoms. I Must take care of myself. So; to eliminate stress going forward, I will from now on, only post cute pictures and videos of cats, puppies, and farm animals. Instead of hours on the news feed, I will play Candy Crush and Farmville.
    I want to live; but, I don't want to live to regret this decision. I want to live long enough to see a better world with Equality for All, Access to Affordable Health care for All, End to War and Imperialism, Full Employment, and a Sustainable Ecology - Not too much to ask is it?
    Thank you, my Friends for all your Love and Support ~ Peace Out!!

La Liz